This One...

 This one right here. He is a mess. He is the one that I hear say the word "butt" for no reason at all and laugh like crazy. Then repeat it four times. He burps and then laughs like crazy. He is just as likely to strike me with a light saber as he is to kiss me on the cheek. He runs 98% of the time. Fast. He talks 98% of the time. Loud. Starting every sentence with "mommy." "mommy." "mommy." His stories are very long too. Like, the longest. If I'm not listening to his liking, he grabs my face and will start the story all over. 

He also tells me I look cute. He wants to marry me. He holds my hand. He has to have is arm around my neck when we read a book at night. He gives me sugar when I don't ask for it. This one right here. He has my heart. Just as his sisters and his father do. My heart is no longer my own, that's for sure. That is for darn sure. 

He's got silky hair that he twirls when he's sleepy. He has eyes that are a dead ringer for his father's. He's a dream to photograph. Unfortunately, he cannot stand to be photographed. Unless he can be having just enough fun to forget that my camera is there. That's what happened yesterday, lucky for me...

We had a special little morning together. It wasn't planned out or orchestrated, but one of my favorites. Maybe ever. I'm so, so glad I had my camera. I wanted to remember it. Even though all we did was walk around town square at 8:00 in the morning waiting on Barnes and Noble to open. Sisters needed some books. Who knew they didn't open until 9:00? Not me. Heck, there's a Starbuck's in there... Open those doors! Anyway, it worked out. We threw pennies in the fountain and swapped stories on the iron benches. We played hide and seek behind light poles and trees and even got stung by fire ants. But we didn't care, it was a good excuse to soak our feet in the fountain! It was a good morning. And he didn't say the word "butt" one single time. :)


  1. Wowie!! Loving your blog! Look at those amazing pics! Special day indeed :) And I agree...who waits til 9 to have Starbucks?! But what a morning you may have missed out on if it would have been open earlier. Love little serendipity moments like that! So glad to find your blog, Friend.


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