Lake Faces

At the end of a lake trip everyone sort of has a look to them... You remember don't you? From your high school or college days, when you would spend an entire day on the water? I remember. Sunburned cheeks, wind blown hair. Bloodshot eyeballs. (from the sun, not the beer.) Tired stares.

These few pictures of my kiddos are the epitome of the "end of the lake day" feeling. I snapped them at the end of day two and I smiled so big when I pulled them up on the computer. These kids played hard. They had a fantastic time. Childhood lake days. Nothing better. I love their little lake faces...

Of course, my little man wouldn't sit still on the porch swing like everyone else, so here he is mid sentence... Telling us something about karate chops or punching bags, I'm sure. :)


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