365: Strong.

I had a damn good pace yesterday. Since I haven't posted about my "trials and tribulations of trying to become a runner" lately, and since my last post seemed a bit sad in a way, I am writing today about a personal "up." Instead of being a "debbie downer." No one has time for that.

I ran faster than ever and went three times as far as I thought I could yesterday. I don't know what happened. I just kept going. UP the hill. INTO the wind. And I did it. And it felt good. When I finally stopped before my shaky legs gave out, the sky opened up and it poured. It was like God said,  "great job. I knew you could do it, child of Mine. Now cool off..." :)

So, if you ever wonder if you can. Even if you think there is no way in hell you can... think again. You will surprise yourself. You will do it. Want to know why? Because you are STRONG. And because you CAN do hard things. 


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