Sunshine and (some) Smiles!
Whew! I know now why my photographer friends always say it is the MOST difficult to shoot (with a camera) your own children. Truer words have never been spoken. If it looks like we are having fun in the following pictures, we were not. Ha! We were itchy, hot, and bug bitten. The wind was also blowing about 50mph. It was one of those spur of the moment "oh! this looks like a perfect place to take some pics" kind of things. So, the mom taxi pulled on over on our way to GC's preschool graduation and here you go... ! We were in and out of that field in 20 minutes flat. My big girls even shot a few pictures.. They did awesome! Enjoy your weekend friends and family, it is sure to be a good one!!
Beautiful family, beautiful pics, beautiful words from a beautiful lady! Love reading and watching your family grow, Maxi! You are one blessed mama!!!