Before I Knew.
So, I am not even going to COUNT how many months it has been since I have written. I'm not. Not even going to go there. A blog post popped up in my time hop and I thought, "yes, I did used to be a blogger, didn't I?" I was pretty funny back then. When did I find time to write? When was I ever sitting down long enough to have a thought other than, "...did I remember to send the kids lunch boxes today?"" long have these wet clothes been in the washer?" "...Is today Wednesday or Thursday?""...what in the hell did I come upstairs for anyway?" You know, the normal stuff... Well, I've decided to take it back up y'all. Get this little keyboard clicking. So hang on to your hats. Because I have a lot to say. Starting with a question. Do you ever wish you didn't know so much? About every. little. thing.? I'm certain life was a whole lot simpler when we didn't know things like: 1. How many calories are in...