Mood Swing.

The theme for project 52 was "Moody" this week.. I can handle that one folks. If there is one thing I can say about little girls, they are moody. And if there is one thing I can say about little boys, they are unpredictable! 

So, I waited until the last minute for my shots, strung up a white comforter on the headboard of our bed and called in any willing participant to help me out. "Anyone? Anyone?........"

Enough bribery got me two sweet subjects. I let them do whatever they wanted and it was fun to see it unfold... Little GC with her serious faces and moody demeanor.. (not always bad moods, just moods all over the board.) Good, bad, sad, happy, excited, fun, mad, silly, the list goes on forever...  Then, enter the boy.

Things got pretty fun from here. It all ended with laughs and pillow fights and then both of them getting in trouble for rough body slams and hair pulling.. All in a matter of 8 minutes. That's how long this little photo project took..

I think I got some great little personality shots. Images that are spot on for these two. We love our little turkeys. Our big ones too.. They wanted no part of the impromptu session. Too bad, 13 year old girls are pretty. darn. moody. Anyone agree with that?

Canon 5D Mark III, 85mm/1.8, window light


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