Time Bombs.

Don't fight with each other. Fight FOR each other.

It is absolutely no secret that siblings can drive you crazy. Or, any family member for that matter. Those we hold near and dear are also the ones that make us want to pull every single hair from our head. Or their head. At times. 

Then there are the times that you realize how very much you love them. A fierce love that is completely un-matched. The kind that is buried in your heart with roots so entwined that they will never ever be severed. A deep little love that can only mean one thing: they are your forevers. Your family. Your husband. Your wife. Your mother. Your father. Your daughter. Your son. Your sister. Brother. 

So, even though they may make you cray cray, they will never let you down. They are the most likely to stick by you in the future and the greatest link to your past. They know you. Inside and out. And still love you. They love you at your best and they love you at your worst. They've seen you throw fits and go through bouts of ugly cries. They've seen you laugh and laugh and laugh. They've seen your face when you first held your babies. They've seen the wonder in your eyes. They've seen pain in your eyes. And then they make it better just by sitting by you. Breathing with you. 

No one told me that daughters were going to bring with them a great big ball of relational and emotional overload.. By this I mean emotional outbursts and doors slamming. Tears upon tears over jeans and hair ties and lost spelling words. My husband and I look at each other in disbelief sometimes at the things we hear in our ears coming from these human time bombs that we are raising. We love our girls. Oh, we love them with that big love that I spoke of above, but wonder day to day if we will be refereeing a fight or sitting nicely at dinner in peace. It's a crap shoot. You JUST. NEVER. KNOW. So we endure. And count to ten. A lot. 

The time bombs let me capture their sweet side.. And they were happy and laughing and loving each other. And I loved that. And we love them. We love them when they are hurricanes and we love them when they are the calm sea. And I felt lucky to snap a few photographs of them being them.  And a bonus of our Chloe girl rocking her Canon...

Remember, no matter how many times your forevers may get on your very last nerve, or push you to the brink... The great moments always outweigh those little things. Years and years from now, they will still be there. Sitting across from you at the table. The ones that have been through every peak and valley from the get go. So, go on and love fiercely. There is no one like the ones that have your back. No one at all. And I for one, thank God for mine every single day. 


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