
characterized by or pertaining to emotion.

We all have photographs that stir up emotion within us. Lying in a drawer. In albums. In boxes. Under our beds. Hanging on the wall. Tacked up on the fridge with a magnet. The pictures that you can't cover up with an updated version, because you just can't cover this one... It means too much. It makes you feel something. Remember something. 

For me, I have far too many of these to count. So, today, in keeping with the fact that I have been looking through old files on the computer.. I pulled a few that really move me. For reasons that lie in my heart. For the way my hand holds onto my husband's shirt and the way my wedding ring looks. Or for just the plain old look of the picture itself. It will not surprise you that they are all black and white. I'm not sure why b&w strikes such a chord... It just speaks to me. Here are a very few of my emotive photographs... I'm sure I will stumble upon many, many more and think, "dang! this is the one I should never have left out!" But for now, enjoy.


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