
Not sure I'm ready for this. Not sure what kind of territory I'm busting in on... But this isn't about me. This is about our twin girls turning 13 today. Entering the teenage years. Yikes. 

And me and Nate, well, we have these four remarkable kids. We have these little unique people growing right on up in front of our very eyes. Most days we just try to keep up. With the schedules. The sports. The smiles. The tears. The fits. The laughter. The joy. The stories. The drama. The school. The homework. The arguments. The questions. The sweetness. The LOVE. We listen. We lead. We try our best to show them a path. And we love them. For who they are. 

Claudia and Chloe, you are a blessing to us. You are smart and talented. You are compassionate and spirited. You are sometimes a little bit sharp tongued and explosive. HA! (Comes with the territory, I suppose.) You are good at nearly everything you try. You make us proud. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are loved.

Just yesterday you were wearing your princess dresses to go out to eat. Now we are sharing shoes. Just yesterday you were looking up at us with your big blue eyes and wrinkled up, freckled nose asking Nate to throw you in the pool. Just yesterday you needed us to read you bedtime stories. Wasn't that just yesterday......

Happy Birthday, our beautiful girls. Today we celebrate you.. The best is yet to come.


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