Just be Happy.

I have this thought that keeps running through my head... What if everyone quit looking for happiness somewhere other than where you are right now? What if we all just started being happy for all of the right reasons?  What if we all just threw everything petty aside for a moment and were truly happy. Happy. For all of the important things.

For all of the things we DO have instead of all of the things we don't. Our blessings. I'll bet yours are plentiful.. In the grand scheme of things, the real heart of your life.. it's all about the blessings. And what it took to get where you are. Seeing your boy take his first breath on the day he was born. Your sweet babies faces when they wake up. The way you felt the first time you kissed your husband. How you feel now holding his hand. Before that, your college years. The town that you grew up in. Your very best friend and how you would do anything for them. And they for you. Once we start being grateful and happy about those amazing things, life seems a whole lot sweeter. Meaningful. Beautiful. And we smile. Because we are lucky. And we are blessed with more than we deserve probably. 

This is what I've been thinking about today. About all of the things that make me happy. About all of the the cool things I've been able to see, that I've been blessed with. People that somehow love me in spite of my short comings. And you better believe I love them too.

So, how 'bout it, friends.  Just be "happy in the shoes you are wearing." Try it.  Happiness is right there.  Right under your nose... you don't want to miss it! I know I've got plenty to smile about, that's for sure. 

 Here is my happy. A little glimpse of it anyway..

Random weekend photos. plus one fave from last summer. Canon 5D Mark III


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